Cinémas Guzzo Streaming

Once I’ve paid for my rental, how long do I have to watch it?

You have up to 30 days to begin watching the movie, and a maximum of 48 hours to finish watching it once you’ve started it.

How much does it cost to become a member of Cinémas Guzzo Streaming?

It's free! You simply pay for the movies you rent.

At what resolution are the movies at Cinémas Guzzo Streaming offered?

All our recent films are offered in high definition 1080p.

I am a member of the first Cinémas Guzzo Streaming platform. Will my membership automatically be transferred to the new platform?

No, your membership, as well as the different configurations you will have put in place on the first version of Cinémas Guzzo Streaming will not be transferred to the new Cinémas Guzzo Streaming platform for privacy reasons. Registration is quick and easy; we invite you to subscribe today!

On how many screens can a Cinémas Guzzo Streaming rental be viewed?

Since the rental registered to your account and not to a terminal (Bell, Videotron, Shaw, etc.), you can view the rental on any screen where you have access to your account.

Can I watch a movie if I am outside of Canada?

For now, Cinémas Guzzo Streaming films are exclusively offered to the Canadian market.

How can I watch Cinémas Guzzo Streaming on my TV?

There are many ways to watch Cinémas Guzzo Streaming films on your TV. We are presently developing apps to be used on your iOS devices (iPad, iPhone), TVOS (AppleTV), Roku, Android, etc.

Are the Cinémas Guzzo Streaming films only available on the web or can they be viewed on my mobile?

We presently only offer Cinémas Guzzo Streaming directly on our website. However, the platform will soon be available via various applications. More news to come in 2021!

How do I find content to watch on Cinémas Guzzo Streaming?

Everything is on our website. You can use keywords to get suggestions on our selection! Cinémas Guzzo Streaming also offers its own exclusive films! Check in often as our catalogue is constantly growing!

How do I get answers to my other questions?

Feel free to contact us at or via our Cinémas Guzzo Streaming Facebook page.